Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tulisan ini pada dasarnya saya ambil dari tulisannya Pak Arief Maulana melalui situsnya di http://ariefmaulana.com. Tentang buku yang menjadi sumber rujukan beliau tersebut, sudah saya download, kalau ada yang berminat dapat juga didownload secara gratis dalam blog saya ini juga. Pada waktu tulisan ini saya posting, buku tersebut belum sempat dibaca secara keseluruhan baru hanya beberapa saja, karenanya saya belum memasukkan beberapa hal mengenai pendapat dan aplikasinya pada diri saya sendiri. Para pembaca bisa nanti mengamalkannya tentunya setelah membaca leteraturnya pada sumber aslinya. Buku ini membawa pengaruh yang sangat aplikatif sebab melalui buku ini konon menurut beliau,buku ini memberikan inspurasi dan menuntun kita terhadap apa yang dipikirkan dan dilakukan serta kenyataan nantinya. Saya tidak terlalu banyak memberikan komentar, silahkan dibaca dan diamalkan. Selamat Sukses.

Pekerjakan Hukum Ini Dengan Baik, Maka Anda Akan Sukses Dengan Mudah. Mungkin sudah banyak artikel yang membahas tentang kedahsyatan hukum daya tarik atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama The Law Of Attraction. Sebuah hukum yang membuat hidup kita menjadi lebih baik dan lebih indah, atau bahkan sebaliknya membuat kita semakin susah dan menderita. Tapi di artikel kali ini, saya hanya ingin sharing saja kepada Anda semua.

Sebelumnya saya ingin bertanya pada Anda semua. Pernahkah Anda mendengar sebuah kisah dimana tokoh utamanya selalu dikelilingi dengan berbagai keberuntungan yang datang secara terus menerus. Atau juga sebaliknya, orang yang seolah-olah hidupnya selalu diliputi dengan kesialan hingga akhirnya ajal menjemput dan dia tidak pernah merasakan indahnya dunia.

Kelihatannya ngga masuk akal memang. Tapi itu benar-benar terjadi. Anda boleh saja tidak percaya, tapi beberapa tema saya mengalaminya. Dan Anda tahu pada awalnya pun saya tidak mempercayai ini semua hingga akhirnya saya mengenal adanya Hukum Daya Tarik melalui sebuah DVD The Secret (sudah ditranslate ke Bahasa Indonesia tentunya).

Setelah melihat DVD tersebut, saya masih setengah tidak percaya. Kenapa? Karena ketika kita bisa memanfaatkan dan “mempekerjakan” Hukum Daya Tarik, kehidupan ini menjadi ngeri sekali. Kok bisa? Karena setiap apa yang Anda inginkan bisa terwujud. Seolah-olah Anda adalah orang yang amat disayang oleh Allah dan semua keinginan Anda pasti dipenuhi. Saya pun mencoba untuk hunting ke toko Gramedia terdekat. Sekedar mencari tahu ada ngga sebuah buku yang membahas tentang hukum daya tarik selain buku / film The Secret yang sudah saya baca dan lihat.

Alhamdulillah kok kebetulan ada buku sejenis yang membahas tentang hukum daya tarik ini dipandang dari segi agama Islam. Yah, ada penyeimbang lah. Karena untuk Anda yang beragama Islam, bila akidah dan agama Anda kurang, pengertian hukum daya tarik ini bisa menyesatkan dan menjauhkan Anda dari Allah SWT. Buku tersebut adalah QUANTUM IKHLAS. Saya pun mempelajari lebih dalam masalah hukum daya tarik lewat kedua buku tersebut. Dan intinya adalah : apa yang terjadi dalam hidup Anda di masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan, terjadi karena Anda sendiri yang menginginkannya. Bingung…? Makanya saya sarankan Anda beli bukunya THE SECRET dan jangan lupa juga QUANTUM IKHLAS.

Pokoknya, apapun yang sering Anda bayangkan, inginkan, pikirkan, rasakan (baik itu yang sifatnya positif maupun negatif) secara otomatis akan menjadi kenyataan. Dengan kata lain, apa yang kita fokuskan saat ini itulah yang akan terjadi, meskipun Anda hanya memfokuskannya sebatas pikiran saja.

Bila Anda fokus pada hal-hal positif, maka yang terjadi dalam hidup Anda sebagian besar adalah hal-hal yang positif juga. Dan sebaliknya jika fokus pada hal negatif, maka hidup Anda sebagian besar akan dipenuhi hal-hal negatif juga.
Ini secuplik kisah dan pengalaman saya terkait dengan hukum daya tarik. Mungkin Anda juga akan menganggap ngga masuk akal, sama seperti kebanyakan teman saya. Tapi kalau sebuah fakta sudah berbicara, kita bisa apa.

Pada waktu itu kebetulan saya mendapat undangan untuk mengisi sebuah materi Latihan Keterampilan Manajemen Mahasiswa (LKMM) di FTK - ITS. Jadwal yang diberikan untuk saya adalah hari Sabtu dan Minggu.

Beberapa hari sebelumnya (hari Kamis), panitia penyelenggara sudah memberitahukan kepada seluruh Pemandu LKMM yang mengisi materi untuk bersiap karena akan ada pemadaman listrik pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu karena ada perbaikan oleh PLN. Praktis dengan demikian kondisi kepemanduan sangat tidak ideal sekali. Laptop, LCD Proyektor, OHP maupun efek suara dari sound system ngga bisa dipakai. Yang tersisa hanyalah papan tulis dan kapur. Namun karena tuntutan untuk tetap profesional serta ingat komitmen akan tanggung jawab sebagai seorang Pemandu LKMM, ya tetap harus dijalani meski saya punya hak untuk menolaknya.

Pada hari Jum’at, rekan-rekan Pemandu LKMM berkumpul untuk mendiskusikan hal tersebut. Terutama karena adanya pemadaman listrik. Entah kenapa dan apa yang mendorong saya, tiba-tiba saja saya dengan santai namun penuh keyakinan berkata,”Insya Allah listrik tidak akan mati.”
Respon teman-teman? Pesimis. Karena pemadaman itu sudah ada pengumuman resminya. Saya pun mencoba untuk tetap meyakini bahwa besok insya Allah listrik tidak padam. Untuk lebih meyakinkan diri saya pun menyiapkan materi dalam bentuk power point. Padahal kalo boleh dibilang kayanya itu sia-sia kan. Udah tahu listrik mau mati, kok susah-susah pake acara buat power point segala.

Hari yang dinantikan tiba. Keesokan harinya ketika acara LKMM akan dimulai serentak di beberapa kelas. Listrik menyala. Saya bersyukur sekali apa yang saya siapkan semalaman tidak sia-sia. Jadi pada saat itu, kalau tidak salah, hanya saya yang memandu dengan fasilitas lengkap (Laptop, LCD, OHP dan Sound System). Teman-teman lain? Tetap memandu dengan peralatan seadanya karena memang mereka tidak mempersiapkannya. Malamnya ketika evaluasi Pemandu LKMM dan Panita, ada kabar bahwa pemadaman listrik ternyata tidak serentak namun bergiliran. Karena siang tadi kita tidak dimatikan, maka besok di sudah pasti giliran kita dimatikan.

Teman-teman pun banyak yang bilang kalau hari ini memang kebetulan saya sedang beruntung. Jauh di lubuk hati, saya tetap meyakini bahwa besok tidak akan ada pemadaman. Kembali dengan iseng-iseng namun penuh keyakinan mendalam, saya bilang, ”Insya Allah besok ngga mati.”
Beberapa kebanyakan tidak percaya malah tertawa, beberapa lagi setengah percaya. Saya sih cuek aja. Kalau mati ya oke kalau nyala Alhamdulillah. Tentunya saya usahakan untuk tetap yakin dan percaya Allah pasti akan membantu saya.

Dan keesokan harinya (kebetulan jadwal memandu saya sore), listrik benar-benar dipadamkan. Saya diberitahu sekali lagi oleh panitia untuk bersiap karena listrik padam. That’s oke lah, biar gimana pun keadaannya saya tetap harus mandu.

Siang harinya saya sudah standbye di kampus. Saya cek memang masih lampu mati. Mereka yang tahu saya menyiapkan materi dalam bentuk power point sedikit menahan tawa. Mereka juga bertanya buat apa repot-repot nyiapin materi power point.

Saya stay cool aja sembari berdoa dalam hati, ”Ya Allah, jika memang ini Engkau mau menunjukkan kekuasaanMu, maka bantulah hamba untuk meyakinkan mereka bahwa tidak ada yang tidak mungkin dengan hukum sunnatullah (hukum daya tarik) yang Engkau miliki”.
Beberapa menit sebelum saya masuk kelas. Listrik menyala. Alhamdulillah, Allah sudah menunjukkan kebesarannya. Saya pun melangkah dengan penuh senyuman. Beberapa OC dan fasilitator saya mintai bantuannya untuk menyiapkan peralatan. Dan saya pun memandu materi denan lancar.

Selesai mandu saya bilang ke teman-teman yang masih tidak percaya. Semua itu adalah kerja dari Hukum Daya Tarik yang terjadi dengan bantuan Allah. Dan ujung-ujungnya ya saya promosikan juga ke teman-teman untuk membaca dua buku yang saya referensikan pada Anda di awal.
Saya rasa sekian dulu sharing dan contoh aplikasi hukum daya tarik ini. Yang jelas banyak hal yang sudah saya dapatkan dengan ”mempekerjakan hukum daya tarik”. Kalau diceritakan semua pasti ngga ada habis-habisnya.

Sebagai bonus karena Anda sudah sabar membaca posting kali ini yang terbilang cukup panjang, saya bagikan untuk Anda semua ebook THE SECRET gratis (niru-niru Kick Andy neeh). Download disini!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Acumen, Success and Happiness

Happiness and success can be predicted, happy and successful is the fruit of behavior. Therefore, if we have the behavior as a happy and successful, then we will have a happy and successful too. While the behavior is the fruit of habits. The habit of starting attitude. Attitude is influenced by the paradigm. While influenced by the knowledge paradigm. So initially, and its mouth is knowledge.

Every day, knowledge spread abundant around us. The ability to capture knowledge, to process, to comprehend fully, and to make it as an action to achieve goals, is much influenced by the intellect.

Dr. Stanley in his written The Millionaire Next Door that includes research on the millionaire in the United States shows that the successful people have a fairly good intellect. The millionaire who examined came from various circles such as joint contractors, used goods sellers, farmers, pest exterminator, to a coin seller. Clearly, they have one similarity that is very independent financially.

They mostly live relatively simplicity compared with the number of they properties. Cars such as their average property most people, home They are in the majority of the housing. They also interact with the populace. Most of They do not like to appear in public. They average well in school. Even if the dropouts, it is because the economic conditions of families, not because They do not intelligent.

So the millionaire has intellect, IQ, the better. They are also people who respited, diligent, patient, able to control themselves, form a well, have a harmonious family, and various other things that are evidence that they have emotional intelligences, EQ, which is good. All of them also agree that the spiritual life, service, and charity is very important. They donated most of the 10 percent or more of gross income (not net income). They believe that God is the source of our sustenance, as the assistant is not visible, or often referred to as the "silent partner". This shows that they have the spiritual intellect, the SQ is very good.

Studies of people who are very successful show that They also have characteristics that are very prominent. First, they have a big dream, a goal of clear, firm and hold these dreams. Second, they do not work alone, they are able to utilize the existing strengths in themselves and that there is around. Thus, they float two other intelligences as a complement of IQ, EQ, SQ. They float intellect called Intelligence aspirations, Intelligence and Strength (Power Intelligence). And apparently the people success fifth float balanced with intellect.


What Does SEO Stand For? - Defining SEO

You probably see the term "SEO" just about everywhere you look if you have spent much time on the Internet or reading about all-things-Internet. Many people have come to use the term rather loosely without really having a solid understanding of what it means. If you have ever asked yourself, "What does SEO stand for?", the following information can help illuminate the meaning of the term for you.

What SEO Stands For

"SEO" stands for Search Engine Optimization - quite a mouthful of a phrase (and hence the popularity of the acronym). Let's explore the term "Search Engine Optimization" in order to get a handle on what it means to you and your website.

How Search Engines Work

Most people know what search engines are but are not exactly sure how they work. A search engine is a technology whose functional goal is to make available to searchers of information that information which is most relevant to the search terms they use. The phrase "most relevant" here is key, and this is what separates one search engine from another: how each one determines the relevance and importance of the content they serve up to information searchers can vary widely.

Commonly-known search engine sites are Google and Yahoo!, who together dominate about 90% of all Internet searches today. Search engines are basically made up of three main components. The first is a set of autonomous agents called bots that basically act as virtual librarians, constantly scouring the Internet's billions of pages and recording what they find. The second component is an indexing engine that stores key information about each page found by the bots during their regular searches. The bots then apply special algorithms to determine how to prioritize or rank these pages when someone performs a search for a given term. The third component is the search site itself where people go to perform a search and then view the results.

Defining "Optimization"

The algorithms mentioned above are really the "special sauce" for any given search engine. There is no pre-ordained way to rank content based upon relevance, so search engine companies are always competing to come up with better algorithms that allow them to better classify and rank the content found by their bots. This is where optimization comes in: by optimizing your site for certain search terms or keywords, you are basically slanting the odds in your favor that your site will come up higher than do websites competing for traffic from the same search terms.

Important footnote: Search Engine Optimization refers only to efforts to improve the natural or organic ranking of your site; it does not refer to the practice of paying to drive traffic to your site, which is known instead as Search Engine Marketing, or SEM.

What SEO Means to You

SEO is both an art and a science. It is a science because so many of the elements that make up a search engine optimization campaign can be quantified and analyzed numerically. That's the wonderful thing about the Internet: online activity is eminently measurable. On the other hand, it is an art because there is no one, single formula for achieving strong rankings. Rather, someone engaging in this practice must take a savvy approach, combining common-sense tactics with their own creativity in order to compete with other sites for the best possible rankings.

In general, SEO involves a combination of two things. First, you must optimize your website itself by paying attention to the visible content, invisible content (meta tags), site structure, formatting and other items. Second, you must work to build as many backlinks from other relevant, high-profile websites as possible. Search engine indexing agents take all of this into account when determining how to rank your site for a give search.

How important is ranking well for relevant search terms? Well, it can literally translate to money in your pocket if your website represents a business or is an e-commerce site offering online transactions. A smart SEO strategy starts with an SEO Audit: a thorough analysis of your website to analyze key elements such as: for which keywords is your site currently optimized? Are there issues with the programming code or structure of your site that could impede search bots from reviewing your site?, and What is the quantity and quality of backlinks to your site?

Start any SEO campaign an audit to make sure you are embarking on your journey well-equipped and that you are headed off in the right direction.



This success article suggests some definitions of SUCCESS and the core characteristics of highly successful people. Interestingly, the word success itself has got three S's, like other said, for example (Taidin Suhaimin in his web: http://www.taidinsuhaimin.com) which can be written as $$$. The two C's as Cents Cents while U for You, and the E is for Efforts. So, the word success…. can be rewritten as: $ - yoUr - Cents - Cents - Efforts - $ - $ ($UCCE$$). We can now simply deduce from this coincidence that "success is the worthy outcome of our efforts" i.e. the positive result of our efforts - the results that bring us satisfaction, happiness, and tranquility.

John R. Wooden puts it: "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." WordNet defines success as: "an event that accomplishes its intended purpose" or, "a state of prosperity or fame." while Vince Warner puts it: "Success means achieving those things we set out to achieve."

Life is full of challenges. Nobody is excluded from this. But, challenges make us stronger if we take them positively. All successful people went through hurdles after hurdles before they achieve greatness! Ironically, this seems to be the rule of success. Persistence is the attitudinal difference between the failures and the victorious (successful people). Also remember that, going through failures after failures doesn't mean that you are a failure. Thomas Edison "failed" thousand of times but he never for a second considered himself a failure in each "failure". In fact, he experienced more failures than anybody else but he had achieved more successes than anybody else too. So long as you take failures positively, you are in actuality failing your way to success!

Hence, whatever adversities you are facing now, your life MUST go on. Remember, YOU were born to SUCCEED - We were all born to succeed - NOT to fail! There is an interesting like wise word said; Success runs from one failure to another failure, without losing our spirit. - Abraham Lincoln.


The Most Important Aspects of Marketing = Aspek Pemasaran Terpenting

In this post, include translation in Indonesia.
One of my colleagues recently asked me, out of all the aspects of marketing including online marketing, marketing strategy, Web 2.0, market research, etc., what was the most important? Without hesitation I replied, "Testing".
.. Many of my marketing friends might argue and profess that if you don't have the right message, reach the right audience, the right timing, or the right offer, you won't succeed. And to that I say ABSOLUTELY! In fact, those are the very elements of a successful campaign that can be identified through proper testing. So how do you know that your messaging is optimized or that you're reaching your target audience in the most effective way possible? Only proper testing can give you that information.

When someone on my team says that a particular campaign was a success I ask, "how do you know?" The answer often has something to do with metrics around campaign performance. But this information is merely relative. If your click through rate was 20% and your conversion rate was 0.35% for an online campaign, it may have generated a positive return, but is 0.35% the best we could have done? Did we test the campaign to set expectations before full launch?

By testing multiple landing pages, post cards, direct mail packages, keyword campaigns, and other marketing campaigns, you can find what resonates best with your audience and set proper expectations for performance. Once you've established a baseline, continue to test and experiment with different messaging, timing, and offers and compare your results against your baseline. Then, when someone asks you how well your campaign performed, you can say good, bad, or indifferent based on real data.

A great example of this was a recent email marketing campaign completed by my team. They tested 3 subject lines - everything else remainded the same (the list, the email creative, the price, the timing, etc.). During our test, one subject line outperformed the others 3 to 1. Wow! What a difference this made in our overall campaign performance when we sent the email to tens of thousands of potential customers.

Ongoing measurement and testing is essential for marketing success. If you're not testing your marketing campaigns on a continuous basis, you're missing out. Of course, once you establish a solid control (baseline), you'll have a hard time out performing it. In general, you'll only improve your success rate about 10% of the time. But continue to test, test, and test some more and you'll see your knowledge and results increase.

(Translation of the above texts)

Aspek Pemasaran Terpenting
Saya ditanya oeh rekan saya baru-baru ini, dari semua aspek pemasaran termasuk pemasaran online, strategi pemasaran, Web 2.0, riset pasar, dll, apa yang paling penting? Tanpa ragu-ragu saya menjawab, "Ujian".

Banyak dari teman-teman pemasaran saya mungkin memperdebatkan dan mengakui bahwa jika anda tidak memiliki hak pesan, menjangkau khalayak yang tepat, yang tepat waktu, atau kanan tawarkan, Anda tidak akan berhasil. Dan yang saya katakan ABSOLUTELY! Bahkan, orang-orang yang sangat sukses di bagian promosi yang dapat diidentifikasi melalui uji tepat. Jadi bagaimana Anda tahu bahwa pesan Anda dioptimalkan atau bahwa Anda mencapai target audiens yang seefektif mungkin? Hanya menguji benar dapat memberikan informasi tersebut.

Bila seseorang mengatakan pada saya tim promosi tertentu yang telah sukses saya tanya, "bagaimana anda tahu?" Jawabannya sering memiliki sesuatu untuk dilakukan dengan melalui sekitar metrik performa ajakan. Tetapi informasi ini hanya relatif. Jika anda klik melalui dengan nilai adalah 20% dan tingkat konversi Anda adalah 0,35% untuk promosi secara online, mungkin ada yang positif yang dihasilkan kembali, tetapi 0,35% yang terbaik kami bisa dilakukan? Kami menguji ajakan untuk mengatur penuh harapan sebelum memulai?

Dengan pengujian beberapa halaman arahan, kartu pos, mail paket langsung, kata kunci promosi, dan pemasaran ajakan lainnya, Anda dapat menemukan apa yang terbaik menurut audien Anda dengan benar dan menetapkan harapan untuk kinerja. Setelah membentuk dasar, terus menguji dan percobaan dengan berbagai pesan, waktu, dan tawaran Anda dan membandingkan terhadap hasil dasar Anda. Kemudian, ketika seseorang meminta Anda seberapa baik ajakan yang dilakukan, Anda dapat katakan baik, buruk, atau biasa saja berdasarkan data yang nyata.

Sebuah contoh yang besar ini adalah ajakan pemasaran melalui email oleh tim saya. Mereka diuji 3 baris subjek - yang tersisa lainnya (daftar, email kreatif, harga, waktu, dll). Selama ujian kami, satu subject melebihi performa yang lain 3-1. Wow! Apa perbedaan ini dibuat dalam ajakan keseluruhan performa ketika kami mengirim email ke puluhan ribu pelanggan potensial.

Pengukuran dan pengujian berkelanjutan sangat penting bagi keberhasilan pemasaran. Jika Anda tidak melakukan ajakan pengujian pemasaran Anda pada sebuah dasar, Anda'kehilangan. Tentu saja, setelah Anda membuat kontrol yang akurat (dasar), Anda akan memiliki waktu yang sulit melakukan itu. Secara umum, Anda hanya akan meningkatkan keberhasilan Anda menilai sekitar 10% dari waktu. Tapi terus menguji, uji dan uji lagi dan Anda akan melihat pengetahuan dan meningkatkan hasil Anda.



Online entrepreneurs are constantly searching for the most profitable home business in order to generate income. The most profitable home business starts with an idea and can become your sole income source. The newest and most profitable home business idea is... internet marketing. Internet marketing gives you the freedom to set your own hours while making unlimited income. If you are in search of a wealth seeking business, there are now many options that will generate income for you.

So, why would anyone search for the most profitable home business?
1. You’re tired of working a 9-5 job and still not feeling financial secure. You’re ready to think outside of the box and succeed in your own home based business.
2. You are finally ready to work for yourself; setting your own hours and having more free time to enjoy.
Starting out on the right foot is imperative when creating your own business. Using the internet to market your business is imperative in this electronic age. It is now possible to generate unlimited income without leaving your home.

One of the best internet marketing programs available is the IPC Instant Cash Program. The IPC instant cash program is a very affordable Internet based program that can generate thousands of dollars every month. The IPC Instant Cash Program is different from other programs because it offers you a cash reward. No matter what experience you have, this proven system consistently produces results. This program goes to work instantly so your income will grow and continue building from the first day.


Fine Tuning Your Leadership Development Skills

Every leadership development program ought to take into consideration some simple facts, that should be put at the disposal of the person interested in mastering his abilities and techniques as a leader. Every person has their own individual talents and abilities. But by attending a course with the proper coach, the qualities and skills needed for the role of a leader can be developed. There are a handful of institutions that can help an individual improvise on his abilities.

Leadership Quality

The quality that is thought to be crucial is leadership quality. This quality is a must in every job. The variety of jobs can range from a managerial post to a secretary, but the need for leadership quality remains. Taking the right decision is another quality that an individual ought to possess.

The training must handle the deliberations on leadership adequately, and by doing that, it states that the term shouldn't be understood by its limited sense. Anything that may suggest the use of conventional typecast leadership ought to be shunned. The training ought to incorporate a detailed understanding of the virtues of the leader as associable to individual requirements, and should also differentiate the differences between management and leadership has.

The leadership program should consider the personal feelings of the public about what traits they believe a good leader should possess. Instead of looking for specific abilities in candidates, leadership programs should consider the accomplishments of the individual and build on them.

It's often been said that the best leaders don't conform to a set pattern or follow a standard routine. One of the primary goals of the leadership development programs is to instill this independent streak in potential leaders.

The program also tries to firmly state that collective requirements are much more important than individual necessities. The ability to look to the future, have a vision and development of aspirations and ambitions are some of the goals that the training tries to achieve.

A personal characteristic which the leadership development program believes to be key and therefore reinforces, is the skill of determining how details come together to make the big picture. This instruction also underscores the importance of maintaining an openness to looking at things from another person's perspective, and in doing so, to recognize in an appropriate way the best course on which to meet them.



Readers are wise, I was a beginner in this business. Most of the perpetrators of a new online business such as my own, quite confused to run business especially in the field of Internet to manage how to get money or pulus (in Arabic Language)... This post is based some references I'd read, one of them is from Adiwardana's web, here is: http://adiwardana.blogspot.com.
I am a new comer to this business having a spare time, like others experiences for the first time entered this business were so difficult, and also so many the internet marketer have been in the field of business online that’s why this is will surely recommend the most easy to do with us on Affiliate Marketing:

what's that? Essentially we need not only to create products and product promotions to other people. For this time I will not discuss what is affiliate marketing in this post, but I will give you the basic strategy the most profitable and easy to maintain in the affiliate, in a way:

1. Make a blog page as a page or pre-sales can be as a review of the product you are selling.

2. Create product information about any posts that will sell you as the beginning of knowledge for people who are interested in your offer. The written is better based on personal experience.


Tutorial Pemasangan Kode Iklan

Buat Anda yang merasa kesulitan atau bahkan tidak bisa memasang script code iklan AdsenseCamp ke blog/website Anda, AdsenseCamp memberikan beberapa tutorial pemasangan Iklan AdsenseCamp pada blog.adsensecamp.com.

Sebelumnya, banyak sekali email atau chating dari para member yang mengalami kesulitan saat mencoba memasang script iklan AdsenseCamp.

Untuk itulah, pada blog AdsenseCamp yang beralamat di blog.adsensecamp.com memberikan beberapa tutorial yang diharapkan bisa mempermudah Anda untuk memasang kode iklan AdsenseCamp di blog Anda.

Beberapa tutorial yang kami posting khususnya untuk blog, diantaranya adalah untuk blog yang terdaftar di blogger.com, dagdigdug.com, blogdetik.com. Untuk web yang memiliki hosting sendiri pemasangan script code Iklan AdsenseCamp bisa menyesualikan sendiri sesuai keinginan Anda.

Meski begitu, ada sebagian blog yang ternyata tidak bisa support dengan script kode iklan AdsenseCamp. Untuk subdomain wordpress.com hingga kini belum bisa untuk dipasangi script code dari adsensecamp.com dikarenakan wordpress memberikan filter terhadap tag HTML.

Wordpress.com hanya bisa memasukkan link via widget -> text. Yang diperbolehkan hanyalah tag HTML. Oleh karena itu kalo ada tag selain html otomatis wordpress langsung mendisable tag itu.

Kendala yang sama juga terjadi pada blog yang berbasis multiply.com dengan permasalahan yang hampir sama dengan wordpress dimana pada blog tersebut tidak support dengan javascript.

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Earning Much Money

As you know Google AdSense is the best way to earn extra income online. Many webmasters and writer have joined this program but earning very low income from AdSense... 99% of AdSense Publishers are earning less than $ 10 per month, this is the fact and every one is trying to increase their AdSense Revenue by one or another way. Many experts are in this field, are ready to open their experiences to increase the AdSense earnings. It is true that AdSense revenue can not be increase in a day or two. This requires your dedication & some time period.

During the research of AdSense Revenue increasing method, I found some simple but most useful tips, which might help you to increase your Google AdSense revenue. You can add more tips, if you have, by comments.

1. Show your Ads at top of the page
Put your block of Ads at top of the page, when ever any one visit your page, they can see the Ads easily and if some thing finds of their interest, they might click on Ads. Do not try to hide your Ads. Put one block of Ads at top left and one at bottom of article. This way you can attract attention of your visitor towards the Ads.

2. Blend the Ads with content
This the fact, that no one like to click on the matter which looks like Ads. You should have to blend your Ads with content so, it look like the part of content. What I think, people don't mind to click the Ads which are the part of content. By doing this you will increase the value of your Ads in the mind of visitors.

3. Use large rectangle
Google AdSense allows you to choose different Ads format. Mostly publisher use the leader board (728x90) or wide skyscraper (160x600) style Ads format. This format mostly look like Advertisment, any wise visitor will know at first look to your page. Try large rectangle (336x280) at top left on your page. This will increase your clicks.

4. Remove the border
If you use your AdSense Ads in a border, that will highlight the Ads but same time it shows that these are Ads and not the part of content. Your AdSense revenue will increase if you remove the border of your Ads and show it as the part of page. Don't use odd colour and fonts of Ads.

5. Don't populate your page by Ads
People will search on internet for the useful information, not for the Ads. Your first intention must, to give valuable information to your visitor. If people like your article, they will spend more time on your page and if your page look clean & neat, the Ads will highlighted very well, hence there are chances of more clicks. Put one block at top left, one at bottom left and one link Ads at bottom of post. That is more than sufficient.

There are some other technique to increase Google AdSense Revenue, but keep in mind that, these technique will produce different result from publisher to publisher. You have to be always in experimental with AdSense



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West Jakarta, DKI, Indonesia
I am Sahlan Hasibuan, right now living at Jakarta City,

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This web is intended to be made self-development, in addition also provides the mind-thought through any posts also provides a variety of affiliate products and campaigns, which are expected to be interested to see and of course you want to obtain. What I presented as far as I know is good and true, hence, please get contact the source directly through this web. Thank you.

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Lagu ini di buat oleh Michael Heart, saya menaruh apresiasi yang tinggi kepada beliau yang masih mau berbuat meskipun hanya berbentuk lirik, tapi lagu ini cukup menggugah hati dan jiwa juang saudara-saudara kita yang punya keperdulian terhadap saudara kita di Gaza-Palestina.

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